Thank you everyone for your support this summer on the beginning stages of our build near Rivers! Although we spent a good chunk of the summer waiting on contractors, and we got about 0.1% of the tire pounding we hoped to get done, we did accomplish a lot this year: we finished our rabbitry (place to house our rabbits), got a gravel road into our property all the way to the spot where our earthship will be, made a dugout that we plan to stock with trout fingerlings in the spring, made a flat spot for the earthship to go, bought a mobile home, made a flat gravel pad for the mobile home, put skirting up on the mobile home and put staircases at both doors, and got some initial concrete work done. Oh and pounded like 10 tires :) We're calling it for the season. We'll be spending the next few weeks winterizing things, and then we'll be back at it at full tilt in the spring! (No contractors to wait on next summer, just lots and lots and lots of tires to pound!) Hope everyone had a great long weekend :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am thankful for Tom,
who just finished building our rabbitry (place to house our rabbits),
with all the bells and whistles (even an automated watering system!) I
had the day off so I got to come out and inspect the final product. Here
he is showing the bunbuns how to use the water nipples (aka having fun
spraying them with water until he lowered the water pressure). |
Couldn't do gravity-fed so we are using an electric pump to pump the water up to the top, and then this disk de-pressurizes the water so that the water doesn't spray at 100km/h into the bunnies' faces. Tom re-did the insulation so that there's air space below the roof, with vents, and then rigid foam. We had enough space up there that we were able to re-use the pink stuff below all that, but it does mean now the top cage is right up against the ceiling. |
The water pump.pressurizer. Some of the pink insulation that needs to be thrown out...don't mind that. |
Stacking straw bales behind the rabbitry for good measure. Can't have the water freezing in the pipes. |
Doe in shadow. Majestic :) |
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