Sunday, 27 March 2016

Rabbitry Vents

We've installed two 6" vents in the rabbitry. We put a fan in one. We'll see how it goes. If it gets too hot in there during the summer we can put another fan in the other vent. Tom's wired it up to a thermostat, so the fan automatically turns on when it's above 24 degrees C and automatically shuts off when it's below 24 degrees. Neat!


This summer we plan on living on the property the entire time (last year we were doing days and weekends, but during the week it was nice to come back into town to have a hot shower, do laundry, sleep in our own bed, etc). We'll have at least one volunteer living there too, as well as other volunteers popping in for a day here & there.

So, we've needed to think about the bathroom situation. Tom just finished making a humanure toilet and 4ft x 4ft outhouse shed. It's basically an outhouse just instead of digging a hole (which would be a royal pain) for pee/poop to fall into, there's a bucket underneath the toilet seat. You throw a scoop of sawdust into it afterwards to prevent odour, and then once the bucket is full you throw the manure onto the base of trees.

A couple pics of the shed below. Pics of the toilet are in the previous post. 

Ok, not entirely finished. Still need to paint it and add a metal roof. Tom wants to set up rainwater collection into a small sink that we can use to wash our hands.

Ball bearing closure ensures the wind won't blow it open. There's also a lock on the inside, for when it's in use.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Tom built a humanure toilet today. Up until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of such a thing. We wanted to put an outhouse at the acreage so we and volunteers would have somewhere to *ahem* "go". That would involve digging a hole or having a tank that gets emptied every so often. Instead, we're going the humanure route. We'll have essentially an outhouse but instead of poop & pee just dropping down a hole, it's collected into a bucket that you scoop sawdust into every time you use it, so it doesn't stink, and then when the bucket is full you empty it at the base of trees as manure. A good reference website is here.

 Gotta love the toilet seat! Found at the Restore for super cheap!
The orange you see inside is the 5 gallon bucket. You lift the top hinged piece of wood and take the bucket out to empty when needed.

Now, we just need to build a shed to put this thing in!

Saturday, 12 March 2016

It's Mellllltiiiiiing.....

The snow is melting!! :) Can't wait for the ground to dry up so we can start pounding tires! (starting in probably May, depending on how fast the ground dries out after the snow melt); anyone wanting to join the ES build is welcome! Camping on site. 

Goat update: It will likely take us a while to get some proper fencing in place for the proposed goats. The new plan is to put up some goat-proof fencing (anyone who own a goat will tell me such a thing does not exist!) and then get a goat first thing next spring.